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Our Education Model

Kocaeli Marmara College Primary School has built its educational philosophy on raising self-confident, happy and sensitive individuals who embrace the Atatürkist thought, who know, research, question and solve problems about their own national culture and other cultures. With this philosophy, we prepare our students for life as individuals who have not only academic success but also social, cultural and ethical values.

Each of our students is considered unique and special with all their individual potential from the moment they start at our school.

With the full learning model, we provide an education that suits the learning speed and style of each student, allowing them to develop fully.

While the achievements and academic equipment required by the national curriculum are provided in our educational model, international programs are also implemented in order to contribute to the personal development of our students. These programs aim to ensure that our students become successful individuals worldwide, have a global perspective and have developed creative thinking skills.

Our school educates its students with an educational model that aims to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. This education model aims to raise young people who are researching, questioning, knowledgeable, principled, balanced, critical thinkers, communicative, sensitive, risk takers and able to transform knowledge.

College Primary School aims not only to transfer knowledge in education but also to teach students lifelong learning.