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Our Education Model


Kocaeli Marmara College Middle School shapes its innovative approach in education by providing students with not only academic knowledge but also opportunities that will support their personal development.

We adopt a student-centered and comprehensive approach at every stage of education. Our education model is based on a structure that will ensure the development of our students in every aspect.

Comprehensive Education Process for Holistic Development

Kocaeli Marmara College Middle School allows its students to develop their personal development, social skills, physical capacities and emotional intelligence in addition to their academic success. In our education process, customized education programs are implemented by considering the personal interests, learning speeds and individual needs of our students.

5th and 6th Grade Module

5th and in 6th grades, intensive English education and personal development practices are carried out in addition to the national academic program. Our students gain experience with activities such as After School clubs, workshops and domestic and international science trips. This process allows students to gain social skills and self-confidence.

7th and 8th Grade Module

7th and in the 8th grade, the LGS preparation process is prioritized. Students are prepared for the LGS in the best way possible with trial exams, courses, studies, subject scanning studies and question solution camps. The measurement and evaluation process is supported by mentoring practices in order to continuously monitor and guide the development of students.

Interdisciplinary and Multi-Dimensional Activities

Our education model includes interdisciplinary activities that will allow students to develop not only in the academic field but also their creativity, problem-solving skills and entrepreneurial spirit. With group work, social responsibility projects and leadership development activities, our students learn to take responsibility and fulfill these responsibilities.

Integrating Developing Technology into Education

Kocaeli Marmara College Middle School attaches utmost importance to the effective use of technology in education. With information technology courses, multimedia centers and digital tools, our students are equipped with skills appropriate to the needs of the 21st century.

Infrastructure Supporting Social and Physical Development

In our school, areas that support physical development such as gyms, swimming pools, tennis courts and art workshops support not only the academic development of our students but also their physical, artistic and emotional development in the best way.

Preparation for the Future

Kocaeli Marmara College Middle School aims to raise its students as global citizens. Activities and international programs are offered that will enable our students to gain a global perspective through intercultural understanding and respect.

Our education model provides our students with a strong academic infrastructure while also allowing them to grow up as self-confident, creative and responsible individuals. This comprehensive approach transforms Kocaeli Marmara College Middle School into not only an academic school but also an educational institution that prepares its students for life.