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About Us


As Istanbul Marmara Middle School, we aim to provide our students with not only academic knowledge but also strong character and life skills.

Our educational approach aims to provide students with the ability to think freely and to enable them to become individuals who can think inquisitively, creatively and critically.

Our Mission

“To raise world citizens who are equipped with the knowledge required by the information age, who are ready for higher education, who have learned lifelong learning, who are proud of their national identity and who can represent their country successfully.”

Our Vision

“As a school that provides world-class education, to graduate the children of our graduates.”

As Istanbul Marmara Secondary School, we strive to ensure that our students become successful, happy and loving individuals not only in education but also in every aspect of life.

Philosophy and Goals

Our education model is based on our students:

  • Capable of free thinking and learning,
  • Researching, creative and critical thinkers,
  • Ability to use their mother tongue effectively and communicate in at least two foreign languages,
  • İlkeli, dürüst, adil, saygın ve saygılı bireyler olmalarını hedefler.

As well as our students:

  • Able to take decisions on the spot and take responsibility for these decisions,
  • Cares about teamwork,
  • We support them to develop a variety of skills to ensure that they become open-minded individuals who can evaluate things from multiple perspectives.

In our school, our students:

  • Cares about the feelings and thoughts of others,
  • Caring about their physical and mental health,
  • Criticizing and auditing themselves,
  • Good use of free time,
  • They are raised as individuals who are sensitive to and interested in sports and arts.

Our education process also aims to raise individuals who believe in the guidance of reason and science, know their national identity and values, develop their creativity by using technological opportunities, have an understanding of peace, unity and justice, respect human rights and express their feelings and thoughts in a respectful manner.