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Our Campus


Kocaeli Marmara College has a campus designed with equipment suitable for all kinds of needs, offering modern education opportunities to students.

Kampüsümüzde öğrencilerimizin sosyal, akademik ve fiziksel gelişimlerini en iyi şekilde destekleyecek birçok eğitim alanı bulunmaktadır. Bu alanlar, öğrencilerimizin çok yönlü gelişimini sağlayacak zengin öğrenme deneyimleri sunar.

Educational Areas

The educational areas on our campus are as follows:

  • Modern Classrooms: Large and contemporary classrooms equipped with special arrangements for each student.
  • Information Processing Center: Fully equipped computer centers for our students to develop their digital skills.
  • Multimedia Center: Creative areas where educational materials and media tools are used.
  • Information Technologies: Contribution is made to the development of students in the field of informatics with technology-supported educational tools.
  • Kitchen and Dining Hall: Hygienic kitchen and dining hall for students' healthy and balanced nutrition.
  • Music Rooms: Fully equipped music rooms where students can develop their musical talents.
  • School Clothing Unit: Area used for the production and maintenance of school uniforms.
  • Dance Halls: Halls specially designed for physical activities such as modern dance and ballet.
  • Teachers' Houses: Comfortable living spaces for teachers.
  • Documentation Center: Center where school documents are managed and stored.
  • Teachers' Meeting Rooms: Areas where meetings are held with the teaching staff.
  • Measurement and Evaluation: Areas used to monitor and evaluate student performance.
  • Health Center: Fully equipped health unit to meet the health needs of students.
  • Security Unit: Security unit that provides 24/7 service for the safety of students.
  • Art Workshops: Workshops where students can showcase their creativity in painting, sculpture and other visual arts.
  • Zoo: Educational area where students can learn about nature and interact with animals.
  • Cafeterias: Comfortable and safe environments where students can socialize.
  • Exhibition Halls: Areas where students can exhibit their artistic works.
  • Conference Halls: Large halls used for school events and educational seminars.
  • Congress and Culture Center: Large area designed for cultural events and seminars.
  • Libraries: Libraries with extensive resources where students can do research.
  • Study and Study Centers: Quiet areas where students can do individual and group work.
  • Copy Centers: Areas used for duplicating school materials.

Each classroom in our education blocks provides safe storage of personal belongings with lockers belonging to students. In addition, each of our kindergarten, primary school, middle school and high school departments are designed in separate buildings with their own garden, toilet and amphitheater facilities.

Our Sports Areas

Kocaeli Marmara College, close to the city but far from the busy pace of city life, has extensive sports facilities to support the physical development of students. Sports activities carried out in our school with the help of a professional staff contribute to the healthy development of students. The sports areas on our campus are as follows:

  • Football Field
  • Olympic Swimming Pool (Indoor)
  • Children's Pool (Indoor)
  • Gymnastics Hall
  • Multi-Purpose Sports Hall
  • Basketball Court
  • Volleyball Court
  • Indoor Tennis Court
  • Outdoor Tennis Court

Kocaeli Marmara College aims to provide its students with a rich educational and social life experience and to support their development processes in the best way possible. All the facilities offered by our campus provide our students with an ideal environment that will contribute to both their academic and physical development